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Foto van schrijverMarga Hogenhuis

If you want to change but you don't know how....

Maybe you're gloomy or anxious - maybe you're uncertain about the future of a relationship or job. Or you just feel like you're not living the life you could be living. Whatever your need, I am here to help and support you. Therapy and coaching is a process of growth and self-discovery.

Do you want to get more out of yourself? Do you feel that what you are doing now is not quite it? Is there a deep feeling inside that there is more you could achieve? That you are not using your full potential?

If you want this too, and are ready for it, do not hesitate any longer!

  • Are you ready for success?

  • Are you curious about what your mission is?

  • Do you need a new way of responding?

  • Are you ready to grow in consciousness?

  • Are you ready to develop on a personal level?

  • Are you not afraid to embark on this journey?

  • Do you want a lasting change in your life?

Do you ever have moments when you think, oops, I would have reacted differently to this. Or do you ever think why am I reacting so violently to this? Geez, what an overreaction to something so small....

Or can you get all anxious and sad when you think of the future. That you don't know why you are doing this anymore. Or that you have no idea where you are working towards?

Do you ever wonder why you are here on this earth? What is the purpose of this life? What are you here to do? Are you curious about your mission and the bigger picture of which you are a part?

During my sessions, one of the ways I guide your transformation is by taking a positive view and encouraging new attitudes and reactions! The coaching builds on what you already have in place. You use that as a springboard to new ways. I have lots of tools to use, lots of solution-focused methods, and a bucketful of professional and life experience to help you get on the right track.

You don't learn to do a trick, it's not about repeating something 6 times a day until you have mastered this trick. It's about fundamental changes, changes in your consciousness. Sometimes it's about letting go of old habits or beliefs. Sometimes it's about healing a wounded inner child who is now calling the shots. And sometimes it's about facing your true fear. This can be done in as little as a 1.5 hour session! I watched this happen right before my eyes just last Friday.... It was so magical and so special that I am going to write about it separately!

"Whatever your need is, I am here to help you."

It all starts with you. You must really want to change. A burning desire that you feel inside that you want things to be different. That it can be done differently. This isn't going to work if you're doing it for someone else or if you think you can change anything just by talking.

But if you want this, then you can really start to achieve something very beautiful! I have been allowed to see a lot of magic in my practice. When something shifts and changes visibly. Because that is what it really feels like, like something magical!

Are you ready, do not hesitate any longer!

  • Do you want to stay closer to yourself

  • Do you want to keep feeling that rock solid confidence in yourself?

  • Do you want to feel unconditional love for yourself (again)?

  • Do you want to find and use your strengths?

  • Do you want to be happier?

  • Do you want to feel less stressed?

  • Do you want to be less rushed?

If you have that burning desire, you are ready and you want to get started, 🥊 💪🏼 let's have a conversation with each other. Today could be the start of a new beginning, of a new life!

You can decide to change now! Then go for the Kick-start! Think of it as a course or an education. An education where you learn about yourself. How am I put together? Step by step we are going to investigate and discover new things. In 3 months you will make a flying start towards your dream goals! Go for more information to the possibilities.

This Kick Start is for you if you

  • want to achieve a lot in a short time

  • Want to set your goals

  • want to know your mission, that which is greater than you

  • want to know what your task is

  • want to get your dream goals clear

  • take the first steps towards your goal

  • want to get more out of life

  • want to leave old beliefs in the past

  • want to experience more love

  • want to work with FLOW

  • want to know how to manifest what you want to achieve

  • can step into the future with confidence

  • want to know how to let go of old pain in order to move forward

It's so magical when things come together. I can't tell you how incredibly beautiful it is when I see people change before my eyes. The look in their eyes, the peace and love that radiates from them. The light and the fire that starts to burn and which is almost visible through the skin to the outside. How the energy has perceptibly shifted. I wish that for everyone!

Selflove and selfcare is what this world needs. It's so simple, if you love yourself, you make the world a little more beautiful. And if everyone did that, the world would look very different. Or as a friend said:

"If everyone felt and experienced that deep Selflove and Selfcare then there would be world peace."

So it's not selfish at all, just the opposite! You are doing it for your mother, your grandmother, your children, your grandchildren, your friend and girlfriend. It is essential and necessary for the world. It is the most beautiful thing you can give yourself and others! LOVE YOURSELF! So give yourself this journey as a gift.

Everyone goes to the hairdresser and to the dentist. Or does Yoga or goes to the gym. You eat vegetables and fruits. You also do this to take care of yourself. You take care of the outside and the inside. So take good care of your mind too! That is just as important!

  • Do you feel a Yes and have that burning desire inside?

  • Do you want to go for success?

  • Do you want to know what your mission is?

  • Do you want to learn new ways of responding?

  • Do you want to grow in consciousness?

  • Do you want to develop further on a personal level?

  • Do you want to make this journey?

  • Do you want a lasting change in your life?

Then I can't wait to meet you!

I love to see you!

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